Friday, May 25, 2007

Famous Mathematicans

When I 'Googled' the string "Famous Mathematicians", I found this website:
It lists various famous mathematicans who (on this website) are all males.
Who are some current female mathematicans we can also expose children to?

Below is the list of the mathematicians:

Niels Henrik Abel
Banach, Stefan
Bessel, Friedrich
Bolzano, Bernhard
Cantor, Georg
Cauchy, Augustin Louis
Cayley, Arthur
Dedekind, Richard
Einstein, Albert
Euler, Leonhard
Fourier, Joseph
Galois, Evariste
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Hilbert, David
Kepler, Johannes
Lagrange, Joseph Louis de
Laplace, Pierre Simon de
Lebesgue, Henri Leon
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
de Moivre, Abraham
von Neumann, John
Newton, Sir Isaac
Pascal, Blaise
Peano, Giuseppe
Pythagoras of Samos
Poincare, Henri
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard
Taylor, Brook


Kristin said...

Here are some interesting links to famous FEMALE Mathematicians:

~ Kris

Ms. Seco said...

Thanks Kristin! Those sites are fantastic. There are actually a lot of female mathematicians.